Property building in Best Western Plus Gen X Inn
Best Western Plus

Best Western Plus Gen X Inn


Best Western Plus Gen X Innへようこそ!ここはニューハンプシャー州メンフィスの中心部に位置し、快適さと便利さが融合した場所です。賑やかな市中心部からわずか4.1マイルの距離にあり、この3つ星の宝石は、テネシーの活気ある観光地を探索したい方にとって完璧な拠点です。ビジネスでもレジャーでも、滞在を楽しむために必要なすべてが揃っており、宿泊料金はわずか$89から始まります!


1,148件以上の高評価のレビューがあるように、ゲストはBest Western Plus Gen X Innの体験を愛しています!さらに、無料の敷地内駐車場があるため、駐車も簡単です。グレースランドを訪れたり、ビールストリートで音楽に浸ったり、単に居心地の良い環境でリラックスしたりするためにここにいるなら、Gen X Innはあなたを心から歓迎する準備ができています。私たちと一緒にメンフィスで思い出を作りましょう!

Property building in Best Western Plus Gen X Inn
Property building in Best Western Plus Gen X Inn



1 キングサイズベッド

Work Desk, キングサイズ


Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Non-Smoking in Best Western Plus Gen X Inn


2 クイーンサイズベッド


300 平方フィート

ルーム - クイーンベッド2台






2 クイーンサイズベッド

Work, 2 クイーンサイズベッド



Best Western Plus Gen X Innでは、単なる宿泊場所ではなく、全体的な体験を創造することが重要です!印象的なバラエティの客室オプションがあり、ソロ旅行者、ロマンチックな休暇を楽しむカップル、またはメンフィスで一緒にバケーションを楽しむ家族など、誰にでも合うものがあります。広々としたキングルームでくつろいだり、2つのクイーンベッドのある部屋で友達と笑い合ったりすることを想像してみてください。各部屋は新しく整えられており、探索の一日を終えた後にリラックスできる歓迎の雰囲気を提供します。

そして、私たちのドアの外で待っているエキサイティングな冒険を忘れないでください!ホテルからほんの少しの距離にある伝説のグレースランドは、音楽愛好家にとって必見の場所で、エルビス・プレスリーの王に敬意を表する準備ができています。また、ビールストリートを散策し、ライブブルース音楽のリズムと指を舐めたくなる南部料理の香りに誘惑されてみてください。地元の文化を楽しんだ後は、Best Western Plus Gen X Innに戻り、部屋で作ったコーヒーを飲みながら、家族や友人と一日のハイライトを共有し、冒険の最新情報をみんなに伝えるための無料インターネットアクセスを楽しんでください!

Lobby or reception in Best Western Plus Gen X Inn
Lobby or reception in Best Western Plus Gen X Inn


最後に、アクション満載の一日の後、リラックスするのにこれ以上の方法はありません。私たちの無料の朝食でエネルギーを補充しましょう!すべての味覚に応える素晴らしいオプションの数々で、メンフィスの魔法の新しい一日を始めるのに最適です。地元のように盛り付けて、再びこの街が提供する活気ある景色と音に飛び込む前に、プレートを持って楽しんでください!さあ、荷物をまとめてください。Best Western Plus Gen X Innでは、新しい楽しみの世界が待っています!

Bathroom in Best Western Plus Gen X Inn
Bathroom in Best Western Plus Gen X Inn










Fitness centre/facilities in Best Western Plus Gen X Inn
Bathroom in Best Western Plus Gen X Inn
Bedroom, Bed in Best Western Plus Gen X Inn
The staff was exceptional. While we were there an elderly gentleman fell outside the door coming into the building. The man behind the counter (seemed to be of Indian decent) ran to help the man and we brought him inside and got him sat down. The exceptional employee then immediately got a first aid kit and helped clean up the man where he hurt himself during the fall. Never in my life have I seen this type of care at a hotel. This man should be a nurse! Very kind. The woman that checked us out was so nice and the woman that made breakfast greeted every single person with a "Welcome to breakfast!" The staff at this hotel was the best I've encountered in a very long time. Well done staff. Well done manager! I met her and you can tell she leads by example!


I loved the located and how it was gated in. I also loved after a certain time you have to use your card or the front clerk had to let you in. I stayed in a double bed room and it was very spacious.


Staff was super cool, especially the ladies in the morning. Very nice and professional. They had a little breakfast area which was cool. The orange juice was a let down but you know how it goes.


The Friday and Saturday night reception chap was excellent. So helpful and friendly and gave us lots of advice as to where to eat and what to see and how to get there using public transport.


My room was clean (as best as it can for a BWestern). The staff were very approachable and communicative. Parking was safe and free, and they make breakfast in the morning!


The staff was exceptional. While we were there an elderly gentleman fell outside the door coming into the building. The man behind the counter (seemed to be of Indian decent) ran to help the man and we brought him inside and got him sat down. The exceptional employee then immediately got a first aid kit and helped clean up the man where he hurt himself during the fall. Never in my life have I seen this type of care at a hotel. This man should be a nurse! Very kind. The woman that checked us out was so nice and the woman that made breakfast greeted every single person with a "Welcome to breakfast!" The staff at this hotel was the best I've encountered in a very long time. Well done staff. Well done manager! I met her and you can tell she leads by example!


I loved the located and how it was gated in. I also loved after a certain time you have to use your card or the front clerk had to let you in. I stayed in a double bed room and it was very spacious.


Staff was super cool, especially the ladies in the morning. Very nice and professional. They had a little breakfast area which was cool. The orange juice was a let down but you know how it goes.


The Friday and Saturday night reception chap was excellent. So helpful and friendly and gave us lots of advice as to where to eat and what to see and how to get there using public transport.


My room was clean (as best as it can for a BWestern). The staff were very approachable and communicative. Parking was safe and free, and they make breakfast in the morning!


The staff was exceptional. While we were there an elderly gentleman fell outside the door coming into the building. The man behind the counter (seemed to be of Indian decent) ran to help the man and we brought him inside and got him sat down. The exceptional employee then immediately got a first aid kit and helped clean up the man where he hurt himself during the fall. Never in my life have I seen this type of care at a hotel. This man should be a nurse! Very kind. The woman that checked us out was so nice and the woman that made breakfast greeted every single person with a "Welcome to breakfast!" The staff at this hotel was the best I've encountered in a very long time. Well done staff. Well done manager! I met her and you can tell she leads by example!


I loved the located and how it was gated in. I also loved after a certain time you have to use your card or the front clerk had to let you in. I stayed in a double bed room and it was very spacious.


Staff was super cool, especially the ladies in the morning. Very nice and professional. They had a little breakfast area which was cool. The orange juice was a let down but you know how it goes.


The Friday and Saturday night reception chap was excellent. So helpful and friendly and gave us lots of advice as to where to eat and what to see and how to get there using public transport.


My room was clean (as best as it can for a BWestern). The staff were very approachable and communicative. Parking was safe and free, and they make breakfast in the morning!



1177 Madison Avenue, Memphis, 38104, テネシー州, アメリカ

Best Western Plus Gen X Inn